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  • Writer's pictureGary Stamper

Why taking action creates success - by Gary Stamper

Updated: Apr 25, 2019

You may have the best intentions in the world, but unless you take action, your intentions are just wishful thinking.

I have a friend who's always coming up with a new plan. He has the best of intentions and some really great ideas, but he just can't seem to pull the trigger on any of them. He languishes and plays around with them, refining them in his mind, but, sadly, nothing ever happens with them... or him.

Consequently, no one takes him seriously any more.

Intentions are the foundation of every dream. The creative power of intention fuels our dreams and our needs and everything that happens in the universe begins with an intention. However, you may have the best intentions in the world, but unless you take action, your intentions are just wishful thinking.

Making Intentions Real

And it suddenly occured to me that I had also set other intentions at the same time around relationship, health issues, and getting in shape. Each of these intentions played a pivotal role in my taking action on the others

Even Life Coaches with multiple degrees can get stuck between intentions and actually taking action. Over the last couple of years, I've had a medical issue that resulted in some extra pounds, partly due to the medication I was on, but also because I genuinely felt bad and exercising was the last thing I wanted to do. When I arrived Napa a few months ago, I set an intention to join a gym. With My Medicare plans in hand, I wound up joining a gym that not only has everything I need and more - like tanning beds, hydro-massage chairs and tables - and I'm actually enjoying going to the gym.

And it suddenly occurred to me that I had also set other intentions at the same time around relationship, health issues, and getting in shape. Each of these intentions played a pivotal role in my taking action on the others: First, I had to get strong to encourage a quick recovery after my upcoming knee surgery, and second. the idea of being in shape and being able to hike and doing physical things I love to do with a partner makes me more confident in relationship.

Turning intentions into action

If your intention here is to find what it is you want to do now that you're retired, that's all about creating your intentions, dreaming a new plan. We're amazing beings and most of us can do that at the drop of a hat. A life coach can greatly accelerate that process by helping you dig deep enough to unearth the concept that's going to take you were you want to go.

If you already have your concept, that perfectly planned business goal document that's still in your computer with empty checkboxes then it's time to start taking action: finish writing the plan. Maybe you wrote the plan, started making forward momentum, had an awesome month, and now you’re back at square one feeling like you didn’t actually get anywhere. How can taking action make you successful?

1. Actions Activate Information No matter how powerful the information is, nothing changes unless you're able to use the information to make real tangible changes. Only the application of the information makes it useful. No exceptions. 2. Actions Facilitate the Method of Elimination

You won't know what works and what doesn't until you try it. Use the process of elimination to weed out what doesn't work for you and leave time time and energy to focus on and perfecting what does work. 3. Actions Create Habits - Which Lead to Success

Change and success is an ongoing process. The hardest part about taking actions for change is actually getting started. The more you repeat a new action, the more natural it becomes, but if you never start, it will never become a habit.

4. Actions Substantiate Your Sense of Accomplishment If you find yourself reading tons of books/articles but never actually taking any action, then you need to explore the possibility that this is your way of justifying procrastination and resisting change.

In the words of Sean Reichle: “Doing nothing gets you nothing.” You could read all the self-help books in the world and have all the intentions of achieving success, but unless you take massive action on the knowledge you gain, you’re you might as well be reading fairy tales!

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